Welcome to Fall!


We shape our environments...and then, they shape us!

Fall is a time when life gears back up.

Whether you have school kids, or just feel that abrupt shift from long summer days to the brusqueness of fall, it’s a great time to assess your space and make your life calmer and easier.

Prospect Park Master Bedroom Close-up. Photo by Alexey Gold-Devoryadkin.

Prospect Park Master Bedroom Close-up. Photo by Alexey Gold-Devoryadkin.


Before all the 'fun and pretty' happens in my project, I dig deep into the routine and movement of my clients.

For example - we Walk through each step of your morning. we then investigate the space, furniture, all the other physical details of the space that will ultimately support you and your life.

(Recent discovery is the ‘Remarkable’ tablet for keeping ‘hand-written’ notes, doodles and diagrams, organized into folders
without the distraction of the phone!! Major bonus.)

Bathtub Accessories in Larchmont Home. Photo by Jacob Snavely.

Bathtub Accessories in Larchmont Home. Photo by Jacob Snavely.


But, HOW?

This can be a simple list, or diagram. Once you have it down see what you can do with the physical space and your belongings to better support you.

Drink coffee every morning?

Why are all the tools and beans and cups in different spots in the kitchen?! Try making a station - Put all the paraphernalia on a tray - now you just got back 5 minutes to clear your head before your autumn day begins...!

Bonus is finding a cool, vintage lucite tray like this one on Etsy. Or for a totally groovy one, check this one out. Pretty AND environmentally sound.

Bronx Entryway. Photo by Jacob Snavely.

Bronx Entryway. Photo by Jacob Snavely.


Walking through your routine with the perspective of an observer can be very illuminating, giving you great insight to some big or small tweaks to make your space perform for you.

I like to organize, but I am not the specialist. Sometimes before I can even dig in, I suggest my clients meet with a home organizer to help them master their stuff.

Please ask us for trusted references.

Vessel collection in Larchmont Home.  Photo by Jacob Snavely.

Vessel collection in Larchmont Home. Photo by Jacob Snavely.