JMorris Design shares Home Office Trends and considerations along other amazing designers with Aditi Sharma Maheshwari at Living Etc.

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Top designers are all following this new trend that makes your home office a much more creative spaceHint: it's a piece of furniture you wouldn't have thought of but that changes everything about how your office feels

“The home office is synonymous with productivity, and the sofa aids in that as well. Away from the usual office desk and chair, the sofa allows you to pull in more quality time at work as it keeps you relaxed and relatively stress-free. 'Sofas give a softer support to the body while you talk on the phone or read,' says Jennifer Morris of JMorris Design(opens in new tab). 'Any opportunity for movement can be good when working away at a desk. It can be good to get your neck and body a reset that setting up in a lounging position can afford.'“

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