Tips for parents on setting up a room for kids to share

JMorris Design Shares considerations and ideas on how to layout your kids room with Scary Mommy.

Bunk Bed Thoughts:

"Bunk beds max the room you have left over, but you have to keep in mind, beyond the fighting about who gets which bed, the other day-to-day logistics. If you snuggle or read to your child in bed, the top bunk becomes a challenge, and I dare say, a hazard with two on top," says Morris, adding that parents should also consider safety. "You also need to be sure your child has the self-control and body awareness that being five feet off the ground requires. If you have a busy body, bathroom urgencies, or a kid that might rough house a bit too much with friends and siblings, the bunk bed can be a stressor."

Trundle bed consideration:

"I think it's best to keep [trundles] for friends and not a sibling who would feel like they don't have a reliable place to rest and regroup if it's tucked away. And being that close to a sibling without some reprieve seems like a bad idea," explains Morris.

See full article here These Shared Bedroom Ideas Could Help You Avoid A Battle Royale Between Your Kids